AI Agent Staffing For Your Business

Imagine having a highly skilled team that never takes a day off, never misses a lead, and works 24/7 without complaints. That’s what a Crushing Local’s AI Agent can provide for your business, ensuring every lead is engaged promptly and professionally.

AI Agents Can

Qualify Leads
Live Chat Assistance
Book Appointments
Follow-up on Inquiries

Expanded Roles AI Agents Can Play for Your Business

  • Lead Qualification: AI agents handle the initial interaction, asking qualifying questions to determine if a lead is a good fit.
  • Pre-Employment Screening: Use AI to screen candidates before they reach your hiring manager, automating resume reviews and basic interview questions.
  • Customer Support: Agents provide 24/7 live chat support, answering common queries and guiding prospects through service options.
  • Company Policy Delivery: Automate the distribution and explanation of your company's employment manual to new hires or existing employees.
  • Follow-up and Nurturing: AI agents can send personalized follow-ups, re-engaging leads, or reminding them of appointments and offers.
  • Product or Service FAQs: Provide instant answers to frequently asked questions, improving customer satisfaction and saving staff time.
  • Appointment Setting: Booking services automatically schedule meetings or consultations based on availability.
  • Surveys & Feedback Collection: Use AI to conduct customer surveys or gather feedback after services, improving your business based on real-time data.
  • Onboarding Assistance: AI helps new employees or clients by guiding them through onboarding processes, forms, or introductory training.
  • Team Communication Management: Manage internal team communication by answering routine inquiries or providing updates.

Booking Agents
Automated Appointment Scheduling

Instantly handle inquiries, qualify leads, and schedule appointments directly into your calendar.

Never miss an opportunity with seamless, round-the-clock booking.

Non-Booking Agents
Lead Engagement & Qualification

Answer FAQs, guide prospects, and qualify leads without scheduling.

Capture critical lead information for future follow-ups.


Ready to Grow Your Local Business?

Let’s discuss how Crushing Local can help you achieve your business goals. Whether you’re looking to boost your lead generation, enhance your customer experience, or grow your bottom line, we’re here to make it happen.